Monday, January 10, 2011


1. What are we talking about when we say "genetics"?

Genetics study genes and organisms. Genes are the hereditary traits you inherit from your parents and other ancestors. Anyone you are related to by blood can share genes with you. Genes are patterns in you DNA codes. Genes determine everything from you hair color, life span, and personality. Everyone has both dominant and recessive genes. Dominant genes are the ones that affect your personality and apperence. Recessive genes do not effect you but are passed on to your descendants. For example if two parents have dark hair and they have a blond child that means blond hair is a recessive gene. Another factor in your genetics is epigenetics. That is when the environmental effects your genes. If you are exposed to harmful substances in your environmental then it triggers harmful recessive genes. The time 9 months before and 6 years after a baby is born are the most crucial years in development. Cancerous mutations are a threat.

Burning Questions:

What do we not/ cannot clone humans?
Why does color change over time?
How do drugs or other harmful substances change your genes?
Do instincts have to do with genetics?
How does blood transfusion affect your genes?

5 Traits Deterimined By Genes:

  • blue eyes (eye color)
  • height
  • allergies
  •  personality (how calm, hyper, creative... ect. )
  • immune system

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