Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Surgical abortion is a method of removing the contents of the uterus (uterus lining and the fertilized egg). Abortion ends the pregnancy. Around 1.5 million women in the US have abortions every year. In the early pregnancy stages, suction or vacuum aspiration is commonly used to suck out the contents of the uterus. A small plastic tube is inserted into the cervix and attached to a machine that creates mild suction. Surgical abortion can be done 5 to 16 weeks after the last menstrual period. (The fetus is too small before 5 weeks.) 
Medical abortion is a method of administering pills and injections that induce and expulsion of the uterine lining and the fertilized egg. The medications are called RU-486, a combination of mifepristone and misoprostol or methotrexate and misoprostol, they can be used up to 7 weeks after the last menstrual period.. 

Pro-Life Articles: 

Pro-Life activists argue that abortion should be illegal because it is immoral and against God. They base many of their arguments upon emotions and ethics. Here are some more of their points:

  • Life begins at conception, abortion is the killing of innocent children
  • Abortion is akin to slavery, the killing of people under your control without rights
  • Abortion aggravates child abuse because they are viewed as expendable before birth so they will be viewed the same after birth
  • Increases the risk of breast cancer (hormonal imbalance cause milk to be produced, when it's not used then the hormones do not go back to the way they were)

Pro-Choice Articles:

Pro-Choice believe in a woman's right to decide if she wants an abortion. They are argue using feminism and science. Here are some their arguments

  • Women are more important than fetus's they deserve a fair live even if they get pregnant
  • Women will still get an abortion in unsafe clinics rather than deal with a child for the rest of their life, Pro-Choice saves the woman from death or mutilation
  • A woman's body is her own, the government should not decide whether she has the baby or not
  • Pregnancies from rape, incest, and cases where the baby is seriously mutilated should not be foreced

